OUR ULTIMATE MISSIONILSCMI’s mission is to advance knowledge and career progression through life-long learning in the fields of purchasing, transportation, logistics, and supply chain management.PROGRAMMES CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION
About us
Our Overview
INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE (ILSCMI) is the premier professional institution for logistics and supply chain professionals. Founded in 2001 by industry leaders, ILSCMI strives to promote and ensure the highest level of global standards through professional certification in the field of logistics and supply chain.
Our worldwide advocacy for logistics and supply chain is supported by our globally-recognized credentials and our professional development opportunities. ILSCMI provides a comprehensive training, development and support program for individuals who work in logistics and the supply chain sector. In 2001, 152 people earned their CLP designation.

Get Certified With US
Professional Certification

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Curabitur ligula sapien tincidunt non euismod vitae posuere im perdiet leo vulputate lorem in hachabitase.

Curabitur ligula sapien tincidunt non euismod vitae posuere im perdiet leo vulputate lorem in hachabitase.